Three months ago today Dawnise and I landed in the UK, made our way to our temporary accommodation, and alternated between being jet lagged and worrying about the still-in-transit cats.
In the last three months we’ve: gone to a wedding in Barcelona, found a flat, moved in, found our local pub, hosted a birthday party for a friend, won an actual UK pub quiz, had a couple BBQs in the London summer, met out-of-town friends for afternoon tea, had our first overnight house guest, taken the tube a bunch, gone to the theater (Dawnise more than me), gotten a new passport (Dawnise more than me), gone back to Seattle (me more than Dawnise), gotten haircuts (if you’ve never tried it in another country, that may seem trivial – it’s not), met our new neighbors, and in two days time we’re hosting the first annual UK version of the ice cream social.
It seems like forever and only yesterday – all at once.
The summer days are getting shorter, and the morning temperatures are getting cool and crisp. Soon it’ll turn into a fall and winter just as cold, dark and wet as in Seattle. I think it’s safe to say we’re both looking forward to it.
Just over a week ago the humans packed up their stuff, unceremoniously shoved two cats into a box, and took a car across town from our temporary flat to our “permanent” flat.
We’d already nailed down our short list of “pre-move” needs, and once we moved in we got to work on transforming the flat from “habitable” to “comfortable.”
A week later it’s still work in progress, but there is progress. We’ve gotten the TV off the floor, and the first couple area rugs should arrive today. We even helped host a birthday party on the weekend, despite our dining chairs having not yet been delivered, and Dawnise made ice cream with the brought-from-Seattle ice cream machine and heavy-ass-also-brought-from-Seattle step-down transformer.
We replaced the old and sightly grotty (I continue to work on my capital E English) combination washer/ineffective-dryer with shiny new dedicated replacements, and I managed to unstack the dryer to fix the installers eff-up without injury (thanks to Mike for spotting me and to Mary for supervising).
As an aside, if you’ve never seen a washer/dryer stack walk across a room, reinstall one transit bolt and run a load.
No, really, don’t. It’s bad for the machine and not great for the laundry closet, either.
I assembled a barbecue and unlike Luxembourg – where making fire involved multiple trips around the city and learning the French word for ‘adapter’ – the LP regulator and canister matched up on the first attempt. It was almost anticlimactic.
I have a 20 minute walk to work, we have two tube stations in striking distance (barbican and old street, in case you’re working out a route), and the neighborhood seems to go from bustling during the week to pleasantly chill on the weekend.
Oh, and we have a pretty excellent view. (If you look carefully you can spot St. Paul’s, The Eye, and the top of The Shard. Also three ugly brutalist concrete monstrosities, blech.)
A contractor came yesterday to look at the relatively short list of things that need fixing, so hopefully in a few more days we’ll have another working shower.
On the less easily fixed side, the downstairs hall lights, outside the bedrooms, are on motion-sensors that see the cats, so the first night was a disco party all night long. There’s no switch to override them aside from the circuit breaker, which is fortunately just outside the master bedroom.
We’ve got a list of the key items of furniture we need, and a list of places to look for them, so we expect the flat will be ready for a flat-warming ‘soon.’
Now we move past the ‘moving here’ phase into the ‘living here’ phase.
Hope everyone is well, and of course if your path brings you to London, let us know.
Hard to believe it’s been a month already, but indeed Thursday this week marked a month that Dawnise and I have been in the UK.
Aside from a couple days in Spain to attend a wedding (an epic busses-didn’t-return-to-the-villa ’till 5am wedding), we’ve been pretty focused on getting life put together.
We signed the lease on our flat, got keys at the start of the week, and our goods were delivered by the movers on Thursday. Since getting keys we’ve been flogging our newly-issued UK Amex pretty hard buying what we need to setup the flat to be habitable.
As an aside, props to Amex – no credit history in country? long standing relationship with Amex? Great – here’s a card with a sensible credit limit.
We’ve got the critical services established (power, gas, water, internet – yes I put internet in the same list as water and power) and have spent a couple days at the flat accepting deliveries, returning to our temporary accommodation at night to confused and slightly PTSD looks from the cats (where WERE YOU?).
We’ve got room for guests – a guest room and sleeper sofas. We’ve used some of the “partially furnished” furnishings to setup the guest room – sans mattress so far (there was a mattress, trust us, you’re glad we didn’t keep it). The master bedroom, at the moment, is a bed and a collection of shoes (before you jump to the stereotypical conclusion – they’re about half my shoes).
When we get back to our temporary flat tonight we’ll review the list of pre-move-in necessities and figure out when we shove the cats into a box and catch a taxi across town to introduce them to our “other flat.”
In less copacetic news, I managed to come down with a cold and then (literally) ran across our new neighbourhood (note the spelling, I’m working on learning capital-E English) when it turned out I had a faulty set of flat keys and needed to admit a cleaner to the new flat. And if that wasn’t enough, the lift at the new flat was misbehaving the day of our goods delivery, so I ended up helping the movers more than expected. I generally feel like crap. I took a lovely couple hour nap on a sofa in the new flat this afternoon, and I’m hoping I have a day or two to kick this cold. Tomorrow involves more spending money so we can get a new washer and an actual tumble dryer – ‘cause fuck keep calm and carry on, I want a dryer.
Dawnise has done an admirable job keeping us feed and shifting our stuff to the new flat one travel backpack at a time, and she’s even managed to spend a bit of time exploring her new city.
We’re both looking forward to having more than the clothes and shoes we packed on the flight – you don’t realize how nice a different pair of shoes feels until you’ve worn the same two pairs for a month. Or maybe it’s just us.
Over the last week all the mammals have all basically settled into their new enclosure – and as temperatures hit 30C/90F, we’re happy the current enclosure has air conditioning.
I spent the week at work, which was something of a return to the familiar as I’ve been visiting this office and these teams several times a year since joining Amazon. I have a desk and all the trimmings and a new notebook with a UK layout keyboard – which is sending my brain into fits each morning when the return and shift keys are the wrong shape, and a couple other commonly used keys are in the wrong spots.
Dawnise did a bunch of grocery shopping (you forget all the stuff you need when you have none of the stuff you need) – and we managed to cook in our kitchen – which was clearly made more to look at than to actually cook in. We managed to make a reasonable approximation of Mexican food – complete and accurate, aside from re-fried beans (surely they exist, but not at the local Tesco). She looked at more flats, wandered through Borough Market, and generally enjoyed that this time we moved to a country where we mostly speak the language.
We’ve made a lease offer on a flat* – and assuming they don’t discover anything unacceptable about us during the so-called “referencing” process we expect to move (again) in the middle of July. We’ll have a guest bedroom, reservations on a first-ask-first-served basis.
Week after next we’re heading to Spain for a few days for a friends’ wedding – they were awesome about leaving the invite open around our move uncertainty – and we’re looking forward to celebrating with them.
Today we’re going to find some brunch, head to a birthday picnic this afternoon (here’s hoping we can find some shade so Dawnise doesn’t burn to a crisp) and are having dinner tonight with a colleague and his partner.
We continue to marvel at how willing the Brits are to tolerate a completely stupid laundry system (oh. my. god. becky. the dryer is soooo worthless!), stress about finding food for the cats that Ivan isn’t allergic to and that they’ll both eat (we brought some from the states, but it won’t last forever), and be confounded at the seeming lack of pet supply stores in this part of London. It’s hard to tell if Amazon and other online retailers are filling a critical need, or if they’ve driven all the local shops into insolvency.
The humans arrived in London Thursday morning, found our temporary apartment (adjacent to the Tower of London) and promptly took a nap. Waking up feeling far more human, we walked to the post office and picked up our biometric residence permits (BRPs), did some light grocery shopping, found dinner, and managed to stay up ’till around 10pm local time. The next morning we went out flat hunting – we saw 9 places in Islington, Clerkenwell, and De Beauvoir Town – a couple were short listed, we haven’t offered on any of them yet. That afternoon we stopped at our bank (HSBC, who so far has been perfectly adequate) and changed our address to the temporary local one, and managed to pass a credit check to establish local cel service.
After unforeseen travel delays*, the cats joined us that evening.
We made breakfast Saturday, met a friend from Boston who’s in town with a student group for tea and a catch up, found a pet store in our search for food that our allergic-to-everything cat can eat, continued unpacking, and went out to dim sum and drinks with friends (and new friends) to mark one of their birthdays.
In there somewhere we spent some time unpacking, I got our home network up, and we did some laundry.
We’re marveling at the utter uselessness of British combination washer/dryers, that in 2019 hanging ones clothes on a rack in the kitchen is somehow normal and that ice is still a pretty racy idea.
Today we’ve been at the flat, watching the tourists queue for the tower of London and looking into the logistics of going to Barcelona in two weeks-ish for a friends wedding.
I go into work tomorrow morning, and we continue the flat hunt sometime next week.
Further bulletins as events warrant.
P.S. Dawnise will likely continue posting on Facebook at least occasionally, if that’s a better/preferred way to get updates, lmk and I’ll pull you off this list.
* for the curious – the cats were supposed to fly on BA/IAG (the cargo arm of BA) on Wednesday, arrive on Thursday – just like us. Literally on the way to the airport I got a call from the pet transport company saying that BA had refused the cats passage, despite a confirmed booking and all necessary paperwork – seemingly due to some communications cock up between BA London and BA NY and Seattle. After a couple hours trying to resolve it, the pet transport company threw in the towel, booked them on Luftansa via Frankfurt the next day and called me to explain the situation. Needless to day, Dawnise was the opposite of thrilled, we were both pretty stressed out and, unless BA comes up with a really good explanation for their nonsense, they’ve lost me as a customer. The cats got to spend the night with their transport driver (a seemingly nice older gent we’d met for a whole 10 minutes as he was picking them up from the townhouse in Seattle) in a hotel, and despite the longer journey arrived slightly stinky but otherwise seemingly none the worse for wear.
We got word this morning that our UK entry visas have been issued. We should have our passports back tomorrow.
Movers arrive next Friday to pack the goods being transported.
The last thing we’re waiting for is HMRC (~= the IRS) to process our transfer of residence so we can bring our goods, including the cats, into the country without having to pay import tax.
We’re nearly at the top, strapped into the ride. Any second now we crest the hill…
This morning I officially accepted Amazon’s offer of a temporary (2-3 year) assignment in London. The next steps are to work with the relocation company, the immigration lawyers, and UK HR.
Immigration is the long pole – it can be as quick as 2 weeks or as long as “forever” – but the expectation is 4-6 weeks from application to visa approval.
So we’re likely looking at moving late April early May.
Yesterday the world lost a good man, a woman lost her partner, a young man lost his father, and Dawnise and I – and many others – lost a friend. Rest in peace, Mike Dunkle – you will be remembered and you will be missed.
To absent friends. Some across the ocean, and some across a gulf far more vast.
Tell the important people the important things. Tomorrow is a terrible time to do anything.
the essential or characteristic customs and conventions of a society or community.
I’ve been thinking about the state of our republic over the past couple weeks – both due to current events and because I’ve recently finished reading Ratf**ked [1] and Dark Money [2].
Former President Obama described America as “no fragile thing” in his farewell address. America may not be fragile, but I think the particular variant of democracy we’ve grown over the past few hundred years is. I believe our democracy is a fragile thing. And I would argue that our elected leaders over the past few decades – at multiple levels – have failed to recognize that fragility.
Or maybe they recognize it and they just don’t care.
Western democracies have inoculated themselves against overt tyranny and anarchy for the past few hundred years using different vaccines in different places. In America the serum has been a tincture of forward thinking by the framers, no small amount of luck, and perhaps most importantly a willingness on all sides to play by the rules.
Not just a willingness to play by the written rules – as embodied in the Constitution, by federal and state laws, and our body of jurisprudence – but by a set of unspoken and sometimes more restrictive set of mores [3].
The written rules, for example, dictate that various branches of our government will submit to oversight from the others. It’s only the mores that enjoin any of those branches from disparaging or undermining the legitimacy of the other branches.
The written rules dictate that a president “shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Compensation, which shall neither be encreased (sic) nor diminished during the Period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them.”
The mores dictate that the president will remove the specter of conflict of interest by placing his (or, with any luck, eventually her) assets in a blind trust, and by not using their bully pulpit to king-make in a purportedly free market.
In recent years [4] this willingness to be bound by tradition has fallen away, and our political discourse – and the country – have suffered for it. At this point the two sides don’t just disagree on policy – a form of disagreement I think makes the county better through constructive argument in the long run – but have effectively lost the common ground from which to hold a civil and constructive conversation.
Both sides seem to be playing a game of total war – encouraged by our winner take all system – with no obvious concern for long term stability or viability. No self-awareness that when tides turn – and in the long run they always do – whatever precedent one side sets the other side may choose to adopt.
More than just being depressing, I think it’s inherently short-sited and dangerous. There’s a treacherously short path between insulting entire ethnic classes of people and deciding they aren’t even people.
Just the briefest of moments between depriving a group of their constitutional protections and transforming our government into some new thing.
A short, slippery slope from disparaging judges to ignoring the rule of law…
And right now the ground feels awfully glassy under my feet.