I had given up on RSS for a fair while after Google killed Reader. Some months ago I decided to try again, using Feedly* and to be more selective about the feeds I followed.
When I occasionally send articles to potentially interested parties, they often ask “where do you find this stuff?”
So I figured I’d answer.
I’ve roughly divided my feeds into topics, and provided a link to a sample article.
If this list suggests other blogs I might want to follow – drop me a line with a pointer to a good sample article. I’d welcome the reccomendation.
General Interest:
- The Morning Paper (RSS)
- Stratechery by Ben Thompson (RSS)
- Daring Fireball (RSS)
- Six Colors (RSS)
- Above Avalon (RSS)
- Random ASCII (RSS)
- Project Zero (RSS)
- Schneier on Security (RSS)
- Krebs on Security (RSS)
- A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering (RSS)
* I’ve since switched to self-hosting miniflux, but you probably don’t care.